Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's crap...anyway you look at it.

So, I just found out that I didn’t get a job that I really REALLY wanted. I’m super bummed. The job was with Coke. COKE! Yes, the beverage company that I have solely kept in business with my extensive drinking habits. For a split second I considered sticking it to “the man” and switching to Pepsi. But, then I realized that my life would then truly suck for two reasons: 1) I wouldn’t have that cool job that I wanted so badly and 2) I would be drinking Pepsi. I would rather just drink water… or go crawl in a hole. Either way, life would just suck without Coke.

When I told my friend Miranda that Coke made the mistake of not offering the job to me, she replied back, “If it makes you feel any better, Amanda got pooped on by a bird leaving work last night.”

Thank you small innocent bird for your impeccable aiming skills. And thank you Amanda, for, well, for just getting pooped on. Helps me remember that in life, we all get pooped on sometimes.


Kate said...

I have always said Pepsi is better. Coke is not as sweet. And you need to work with sweet people. Maybe you should apply to apple beer.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

Stupid Coke. Maybe this would be a good reason to quit drinking soda, for the 20th time.

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Cut post. And I am glad you aren't going to work with Pepsi, I feel the same way you do about it. And shame on you Coke, for not hiring the cutest girl, you are missing out!

Miranda at Marz Haus said...

I do not love that you didn't get the Coke job, but I do love that A-Hol got pooped on by a bird. Just a little.

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Bummer Nat - I know you wanted that. Hang in there, I am sure the right job will come along. Do you have anything else in the pipe line?