I mean, pretty much I was surrounded by people that looked like this:
And this:
Binoculars - Check
Ear plugs -Check
Cut off shorts - Check
Big Fat Heineken - check and check
Awesome - with a capital A.
Other than the state fair, I don't think there could be a better place to see such quality people. At one point, a group of chicks were walking by us with their HUGE cups of beer and kenzi's all, DON'T SPILL, DON'T SPILL! Yes, because spilling that $7 beer in her Coach purse would have actually been an tragedy.
Here are some really crappy videos off my phone. I love that in the second one, all I can think of to say is, "I'm recording!" Wow. I sometimes wonder how I graduated college.
love ya nat! I love that you dare to take pictures of people you don't know. If I would have had the guts I would have taken a picture of this couple at Lagoon (that Sam honered with the "ugliest couple award") Too bad everybody has to take my word for it.This is definately one of the concerts that my dad would have LOVED.
Wow what a big fun group you went with! I bet the concert was a blast, and the people watching looked fun too - sometimes that makes for the most fun. When we went to Rod Steward there (yes I have seen him 2x and I know he is almost 60, but he is so cute! I have a mini crush on him!) Spence's mom said she would give us a dollar for every person we saw younger than us... wait, I think we made like $1!!!
Fun concert. Although, I have to say I'm a bit surprised by Heineken guy's choice of an import beer. I totally pegged him for a Bud Light man.
Well played, Heineken guy. Well played.
Hey, what a coincidence, that first picture is my uncle!!!
Haha. I'm totally kidding, that's not my uncle. Looks like you had a way fun time at the Journey concert! I love the fair and I completely agree, you can sure find alot of quality people there too, it's one of my favorite spots to people watch!
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