Monday, April 13, 2009

I cannot be held responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth

If you remember, on Christmas Eve I got into a little accident and posted about it here. Yes, I ended up going out with CAB and although he was very nice - I had no interest in going out with him again. He even asked me the super awkward question at the end of the date of, "Would you like to go out again?", to which my response was of course, "Sure". How else am I supposed to answer that question? Seriously? Just don't ask it. Because you will get the same response whether I want to go out with you or not.

My mother calls me the "One Hit Wonder". To each their own, but I disagree. Why be mean and lead a guy on if I am not interested? And yes, sometimes you can tell after one date if you are not interested.

Apparently, my "sure" response gave CAB the green light to ask me out again. Go figure. I politely declined him and thought that after 2 months I was probably in the clear from running into him. Um, wrong. Miscalculation on my end. Because after an entire mess of court papers, I had to go to court to fight a ticket I was mistakenly given for the accident. And you better believe CAB was there - summoned by the court. Of course. My life is just full of the awkward. Yes, I felt bad that not 4 days earlier he had called me and I never returned his call. But what is a girl to do?

Anyway, at one point me, CAB, cop who issued the ticket and Cute Prosecutor Man (yes, the court worker was totally cute, had no wedding ring on and so of course I was trying to flirt with him without CAB noticing) were in a teeny tiny room together. At the point where Cute Prosecutor noticed that my ticket was a mistake, he told me I could leave - but told CAB he had to stay. And by some unforeseen force the only words that came out of my mouth were, "Ha Ha, Sucka!" Shame and embarrassment immediately followed. And I crawled under the desk and laid there in the fetal position. Ok, I didn't. I just left the room. At least they all laughed. They were probably laughing because they thought I was crazy, but I'll just pretend they thought I was funny. I like that theory much better.

The lesson I learned? Don't speed. Don't follow to close. Don't get in an accident. Because if I do, I run the risk of another embarrassing word vomit situation at court. But then again, I might get to see Cute Prosecutor again.


Daybreaking Dickersons said...

And who knows. The person you get into the next accident might be cuter. And more fun.

Let the Good Times Roll said...

I know you don't want to hear this, but I think first impressions are not always correct, I am all for giving CAB and all the others a second chance!!! :)

Natalie said...

I do not take advise from Child Brides on dating. So, if you were married previous to age 22, you have no merit in my book.

This eliminates about 85% of people who read my blog.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

That includes you Holtywood.

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Glad we know how you feel!!!!!

kristine said...

I love that you said "ha ha Sucka!" We are so alike. I always say the dumb thing that I regret 5 seconds later... but always makes for a good story!

Greg D said...

A friend sent me here after a conversation about the "Can I take you out again?" Question. I see where you're coming from, but A - If you say "sure" OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO TAKE THAT AS A GREEN LIGHT!!!!!!! And B - As a man, I just have to say - if I'm expected to be gutsy enough to ask you out, you'd better, in return, be gutsy enough to tell me whether you really want to. I don't hold anyone to a yes beyond the first date.

Natalie said...

Mr. B.
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I appreciate the male perspective. However, clearly you missed my sarcasm. I knew by saying "sure" I was going to be hearing from him again. It's not that fact that I don't have the guts to say no to someone, it is just the fact that I don't want to hurt someones feelings. It's awkward either way.

Greg D said...

I understand that, but if it's going to be awkward, you might as well be awkward and honest. Am I wrong here?