Tuesday, July 3, 2007

We Played With Pink Tennis Balls...

In my pathetic attempt to become more active, I joined my roommates in a little game of tennis last night. Well, actually we didn't really play an actual game. We all pretty much sucked. Kenzi and April had never hit a tennis ball in their lives, I hadn't picked up a tennis racket in 2 years and Brooke, well, I don't know her story. But needless to say, we could all use some lessons.

What good is doing an activity if you can't document it with a picture? So, the hood of my car played the roll of a tripod and the automatic picture feature came in nice and handy.

I never really noticed how short all my roommates where until we took this picture. Apparently I am a giant in my 5'7" frame and mysteriously in this picture my neck has disappeared and it blends in ever so nicely with my chin. Oh the shame of posting such a horrendous picture. However, Brooke insisted I post this picture for pure entertainment value. At least my roommates look cute.

The tennis courts were packed and we luckily found a court in the far end corner. We were all quite happy about this. Back corner meant less people watching.

I am contemplating lessons. Any suggestions on where to take them?


Mar said...

Stick to Wii Sports Tennis. It's way better and it's way more private!

The District Girls said...

Remember the last bout with tennis lessons and I was the only one who kept on playing! Go to Sports Mall tennis workouts, always a good time.

J,B and K said...

Wow, how weird that you found my blog and yet very cool! Looks like you are having a great summer!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT ! Do it. You can get excellent lessons at the Salt lake Tenis Club. It is a great sport that doesn't have to depend on the weather. And, if you play singles, as I did, it is great exercise as it takes a lot of running around. this applies no matter how good you get. (I don't call "dobes" as playing tennis.....just ladies geting together for scial reasons.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had used the spell check.