When I was 18, I bought my first car. A Nissan Sentra. It was a stick shift. I couldn't drive stick and therefore couldn't drive it off the lot. I had to have my mom do it. Since then, many things have happened (i.e, went to college, graduated from college, moved out of my parents house, got a job, etc.). Now that I have hit my mid-twenies and am a single working woman with no one to worry about but myself, I decided to treat myself by buying myself a new car. I am only young and single once, right?
Luckly, my parents needed to buy a car for my brother Alex (who's poor car passed away) and so they bought my Sentra from me.
The ceremonial passing of the keys:
Me and my new ride. I don't want to get any comments on how "black is too hot", "it gets so dirty, it's impossible to keep clean", or "you're crazy for getting black exterior with black interior". Everyone has an opinion on black cars. Mine is that they are fabulous and so I got one. So unless you agree with me, keep your comments to yourself. It's my blog for goodness sake! With that said. I am very happy with my car and plan on having it for many many years to come.
black is too hot.
haha, just kidding. i couldn't resist.
i love it.
cute cute cute
I love the new car! Very cute
Congrats! I've been cruising in a black vehicle for a year now, and in that year my coolness factor has increased exponentially. I sense good things for you.
Wow so much has happened since I left. I love black!
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