Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's been a good Saturday...

Oh, and I had one more coke earlier in the day. Life is good.


Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Sounds llke we need to hang out more!! Sit on our asses and drink a 6 pack.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

What is on the TV? It looks like Pamela Anderson.

Abi said...

Man oh man. You kill me!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Is that your house? You guys have a ton of magazines!

Natalie said...

D - that would be Uma Thurman on our tv. We were watching Prime. Excellent movie!

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to your coke ulcer?! you are hilarious.

kristine said...

I am going through withdrawls because you haven't posted in almost a week. I'm sure you have plenty to blog about!!

Abi said...

where the hell is Flashback Friday Nat?