Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'll throw my own shower...

Sorry there was no flashback post last week. Since I don't have a regular computer to do my blog posts on, my flashbacks might be few and far between for a while.

On to more important things.

So this past weekend I almost went to Sun Valley with a group of friend to go snowboarding and just have a weekend away. Now, I dont ski. I don't snowboard. I pretty much don't like snow. So, my main reason for wanting to go was so that I could blog about it. Pretty expensive blog entry if you ask me.

I ended up making a last minute decision not to go because of rental property stuff I had to do and thought that I should be a responsible adult for once. Blast... I wish i was 10 again where my only cares in the world were who's friends house I was going to sleep over at on Friday night.

So, with my weekend plans cancelled last minute, I had Friday and Saturday nights staring me in the face. Reminding me that no, I didn't have a date either night and that I would have to come up with something quick to occupy my time before I fell into a self-loathing state.

Friday I bared the elements, and by elements I mean leaving my comfy couch, to go to a party. Now, I hate parties. I do. They are the one thing in this world that really make me wish I wasn't single. Now, I actually like being single. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I wish I didn't have to deal with the crap that comes along with dating and just wish I could pick someone already. But in reality, life as a single person is quite nice.

Ok, whatever. I went a party. Ran into a guy that I went out with once and it was sufficiently awkward because we both forgot each others names. At least we could admit that to each other. We had a good laugh. I told him I cried for weeks after he didn't call me after our date. I love making other people uncomfortable. It makes me giggle.

Saturday night rolled around and I hadn't showered for the day. A great Saturday if you ask me. Kenzi and I were about to call it a girls night, when I heard from our friend Adam informing us of that he and some others were going to get massages and then go hot tubbing at his house. Done and done. We were in.

Adam is a massage fiend. He buys packages in bulk at the Utah College of Massage Therapy and so an hour massage is only $12.50. My massage was great. Mackenzi wasn't so lucky. Her massage therapist told her that he was going to work her peck muscles. And that he "would be touching places. But don't worry, it is normal." I wish I could have seen her face at that moment. Sheer terror, I am sure.

Hot tubbing at Adam's house followed and by 1:30, I was about to slip into a coma. It was time to go home. I got in my car and looked in my review and this is what I saw:

What????? I got married? To whom? Why don't I remember this? And why am I going home by myself? No big party? No fru fru wedding dress? No presents? No hot man to go to bed with?Crap. I got jipped.

From the looks of my car, my weekend was a success. I think I should go register or something. I am thinking Banana Republic, Anthropologie and Nordstrom.


The District Girls said...

Poor Kenzie I had somewhat of the same kind of experience at the massage school and never went back. Except I also had the pleasure of getting a stomach massage...what the crap!!!

alisa said...

congrats on the wedding!

Anonymous said...

I'll so throw you a shower. How bout a "gift card" pick the stores. Actually, that would be an awesome idea.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

I'm pissed I wasn't invited to the wedding. Come back to IMG and we'll throw you a shower.... it won't be awkward at all.

Nicole said...

that's unreal! what kind of person thinks "i'll head out and decorate a random car tonight" anyway?

that reminds me, though, when alex and i got married, my bro-in-law accidentally decorated the wrong passat. true story.


Can I come to the shower?