Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let us all institute nap time...

The lobby of my work building isn't really a lobby so much as a long hallway.  And just right inside the doors and around the corner are a pair of couches. Not a day goes by when I don't pass those couches and think, "how nice would it be to take a nap."

Today, was no exception.  However today, someone actually took a nap on them.  As I was walking to the restroom, I passed by the couches and there was a man. dressed in work clothes, sprawled out on one of the couches - dead asleep.    

I did my business in the bathroom and walked by the couches again.  Yep, confirmed. Strange man is dead asleep.  I was a little jealous.

However, this middle-of the-day nap reminded me of an incident that happened to me not so long ago.  About 10 months ago to be exact.  

I had joined the gym (yet again) and of course had the new-gym-member-motivation (and yes, it only lasted about a week).  I decided that I would get up early and go to the gym at 6 am.  So, that morning when my alarm went off, I actually got up and worked out.  

By 11 am that day, I was falling asleep at my desk. All I wanted to do was take a nap.  I decided that I would go home for lunch, read Harry Potter (it had just come out) and rest my tired eyes.  And so, I went home for lunch.  I read for 30 minutes and looked at my watch. It was 12:45. I needed to leave.  Oh, but I was still so tired.  I thought, "I just need to rest my eyes for one minute." I rested my book on my chest and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. 1:45 pm. Oh good, not a minute has gone by. WAIT.. WHAT???? 1:45????? No way. NO WAY!?  In a matter of one second, I had thrown my book off my chest, grabbed my keys and was in my car racing back to work. However, I seriously was still half asleep. I actually had to hold my eyelids open.  I compare the feeling to when I am really really tired and am watching a really good movie... I want to stay awake, but for the life of me can't keep my eyes open.  Now, imagine that - and then try to drive to work.  

Needless to say, I don't go home for lunch anymore.  Oh, and I don't go to the gym either - but that is only because I am lazy.


Daybreaking Dickersons said...

Hmm and you don't have that job anymore?? I can't imagine why...

Natalie said...

Good point D. I am now reevaluating everything...

Jinny Snow said...

Just for the novelty, have you tried going to bed before midnight? You never know, it MIGHT work!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

That is pretty darn funny Nat! Funny story about your crackberry too!